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Our Products


Our coffee ethically sources and partners with award winning farmers in the Oriente coffee growing region of Guatemala.

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BUILD YOUR OWN LABEL | starting at $60

With our Build Your Own Label product, we will design, create, and print your company name on your coffee bags. This will increase your company's visibility and establish brand recognition. Already have a logo? Great! If not, please ask about Logo Design products to either design a new logo or redesign an existing logo for your business. 

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CUSTOM GIFT BOX | standard $60

2lbs. Bag of Coffee - approx. 40 cups

1 CFAC Mug 

1 hot/cold canister

*Informational on CFAC 

*Informational on ASF

*15% off Coupon 

*Handwritten Print Thank You

COFFEE TRUCK (Coming Soon)

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